
The Standard for Muzzle-brakes

Recommendation Status-  Highly RECOMMENDED 


  • Well Built and Nicely weighted
  • Does its job in cutting recoil to pretty much 0
  • Works well with FA/BINARY/FRT fire
  • Looks badass
  • Comes in a ton of calibers! use the caliber fit guide
  • Confirmed to work with the universal oppressor flash suppressor that goes over muzzle-brakes 


    • Bit expensive
    • Can Concussion you with barrels under 10 inch
    • Can throw pieces of casings at you on crappier ammo


    Personal opinions

    This thing is a fun item for your gun, comes in almost every caliber, the mp5 i put on is for binary and full auto to have 0 muzzle rise, and it works!


    Unknowns and Fun Facts

    Comes in every caliber under the sun.
    Massive so if you need to weld it to turn a pistol into a rifle of 16 barrel length



    Hypertap here

    Ignore the white circle thats for something else :)




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